Monash Bioinformatics Platform

Overview of Bioinformatics Capabilities

The Monash Bioinformatics Platform (MBP) is one of many Research Technology Platforms to support the needs of the Monash research community.

The focus areas of the Bioinformatics platform are:

  • Research: We do collaborative research with high quality publication outcome along with Bioinformatics support to funding applications.
  • Training & Outreach:
    • We provide skill development hands-on training and seminars on wide range of technical topics relevant to Monash researchers.
    • We run weekly drop-in Bioinformatics help sessions.
    • We are actively developing and supporting coding community on the campus.
  • Bio Tools: Bioinformatics methods, tools and application development.
  • Compute: Facilitating access to high performance compute and data storage infrastructure at Monash.


We have Bioinformatics and data analysis capabilities in the genomics and proteomics areas including but not limited to:

  • Advice on Omics experimental design
  • Bulk and single cell RNA-seq
  • ChIP-seq / ATAC-seq
  • Variant analysis
  • Microbiome profiling
  • Methylation analysis
  • Genotyping by Sequencing
  • Whole genome assembly and annotation
  • High throughput profiling of the proteome
  • Studying protein structures
  • Custom analysis pipeline development

If you would like a quote for analysis please complete an iLab request or contact the platform directly for more information: 


Dr Laura Perlaza Jimenez - Bioinformatics Platform Manager


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

9am - 5pm 

G63, 15 Innovation walk, Clayton Campus, Monash University

Links and Resources

  1. Website:
  2. Sign up to Bioinformatics mailing list:
  3. Follow updates on Twitter:


Name Role Phone Email Location
Laura Perlaza Jimenez
Bioinformatics Platform Manager
G63, 15 Innovation Walk, Clayton Campus, Monash University

Service list

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Available Equipment and Resources

Name Price
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis