

Overview of Services

The ARAFlowCore platform consists of PC2 compliant core facilities providing world-class flow cytometry services to scientists from Monash University, The Burnet Institute, The Baker Institute, other members of the Alfred Research Alliance (ARA) and broader scientific community in and around Melbourne, Australia.

Our dedicated laboratories currently house both conventional and spectral cytometers; three high speed cell sorters plus one dedicated to PC3, six analysers, and an imaging cytometer, allowing for unrivalled flexibility for Melbourne researchers.

The platform’s experienced staff operate the cell sorters and provide training and assistance for the analysers, along with expertise in experimental design.

For more information see our website:


Location and hours of operation

ARAFlowCore office


Cell Sorting and Imaging Platforms

Cell Sorting Platforms: FACSAria™ Fusion, BD Influx™, Cytek® Aurora CS

Imaging Platform: AMNIS ImageStreamX MkII (with operator assistance)

Staff assisted cell sorting and imaging instruments are available from 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Operation outside of these hours is possible by prior arrangement - please contact us for information at

Self-operated sorting is available after hours for trained and experienced users by arrangement with platform staff.


Analysis and Imaging Platforms

Analyser Platforms: Cytek® Aurora, BD™ LSR II, BD LSRFortessa™, BD LSRFortessa™ X-20, Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX, Cytek® Northern Lights

Imaging Platform - AMNIS ImageStreamX MkII (without operator assistance) and Analysis Computer

These instruments are available to licensed users 24 hours 7 days a week.


Analysis computer

A communal analysis computer is located on Level 2 ACBD and is available to licensed users. 


Name Role Phone Email Location
Melanie Le Page
ARAFlowCore Facility Manager
Office: 9903 0661 Facility: 9903 0601
Level 6 Burnet Tower
General Enquiries and Training Requests
Office: 9903 0661 Facility: 9903 0601
Level 6 Burnet Tower